Next-Generation Cancer Screening

Valor Diagnostics aspires to connect asymptomatic patients with a non-invasive blood-based cancer screening. By combining high-sensitivity technologies and an unprecedented application of modern data science, Valor Diagnostics will develop products that provide meaningful and actionable recommendations for patients.

Cancer’s Complexity

Cancer is a cell subject to random mutations. Such mutations are driven by the core principles of evolution like natural selection. The complexity of tumors requires techniques that recognize the heterogeneity within cancers of a common origin and across patients.

Valor Diagnostics’ unique ability to classify tumor specimens based upon the relatedness among clinical specimens allows us to uncover biologically meaningful comparisons that permit clinically relevant interpretations, such as cancer diagnosis and identifying of proteins (i.e., biomarkers) that uniquely characterize specimens or a group of specimens.

A Closer Look

Cells produce byproducts that appear in the systemic circulation. These metabolites directly correlate with the genetic code of the cancer cells from which they are derived. By identifying the relationships between these molecules, our process extracts information necessary for providing an accurate, actionable diagnosis.